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FIFA Master - Internationell Master i Management, Juridik och Humaniora i Sport. University Of Zurich - Faculty of Law i Schweiz, Zurich. erbjuder universitetet ett brett utbud av kandidatexamen, master och doktorsexamen. program.

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Master of Laws (LL.M.) There are no photos of University of Zurich · Universität Zürich - Faculty of Law. Studium mit Abschluss an der UZH und Gaststudium: Zulassungsstelle Universität Zürich Abteilung Studierende Rämistrasse 71 CH-8006 Zürich Tel. +41 44 634 22 36 English Department News. Summerschool of the University of Zurich 2021 «Spekulatives Erzählen: Die Zukunft (in) der Literatur» Women, Money and Markets (1600-1900) - "Female Economies" 2 dagar sedan · During Master’s degree studies you will deepen your knowledge of your chosen academic discipline and specialise in one or more of its aspects. ETH Zurich offers both consecutive and specialised Master’s degree programmes. Se hela listan på phil.uzh.ch University of Zurich is one of the top Public universities in Zürich, Switzerland.

University Of Zurich, Zurich, Schweiz - Masterexamina

No scholarships available through Umeå University/USBE. Master/Graduate level (M), Doctoral/Postgraduate level (D), Teaching/Staff Mobility only Universität Zürich, Switzerland, English/German, Bilateral, B/(M), 5, 30 ECTS, Read info.

Uni zurich masters

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Schon während des Studiums können Sie mit Spitzen­for­scherinnen und -forschern zusammen­arbeiten, sich mit den neuesten wissen­schaftlichen Erkenntnissen auf Ihrem Fachgebiet auseinandersetzen und diese Conditions for consecutive Master program in Biomedicine – successful graduation before the start of the Master program in Biomedicine of: BME111 *, BME235, BME236, BME245, BME246 and BCH202 *. *Actualisation of the Program Regulation / "Studienordnung": BME111 and BCH202 for students, who started their study in September 2020 or later . With its 26,000 enrolled students, the University of Zurich (UZH) is Switzerland's largest university. Founded in the year 1833, UZH was Europe's first university to be established by a democratic political system; today, UZH is one of the foremost universities in the German-speaking world. Agenda Department of Chemistry. 13.4.2021, 17:00: Mechanisms and Applications of Carbon-Sulfur Bond Making and Breaking Enzymes; 20.4.2021, 17:00: Hot Acids: New Chemistry With Old Substances Der Executive Master in Arts Administration ist eine berufsbegleitende Kulturmanagement-Ausbildung, die Module finden meist an den Wochenenden statt (Freitag bis Sonntag).

University ranking. University of Zurich is one of the leaders in Switzerland, one of the 5 best universities in the country. Das Master-Diplom ist benotet. Die Master-Note ist das nach Kreditpunkten gewichtete Mittel der in den benoteten Modulen des Masterstudienganges sowie der Masterarbeit erworbenen Noten. Haupt- und Nebenfach werden getrennt auf der Masterurkunde ausgewiesen. Das gewichtete Mittel wird auf Zehntel-Noten gerundet. Das Master Mono-Studienprogramm Psychologie 120 ist ein Monofach.
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University Of Zurich i Schweiz, Zurich.

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Founded in the year 1833, UZH was Europe's first university to be established by a democratic political system; today, UZH is one of the foremost universities in the German-speaking world. University of Zurich; Studies Main navigation.

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The time needed to produce the thesis is roughly 2 semesters, plus one for getting into the subject. These are only guidelines.